The GOF patterns resolve some OOP drawbacks: The Abstract Factory case study

The majority of developers have already heard about the design patterns, GOF(Gang Of Four) patterns are the most popularized, and each developer has his way to learn them , we can enumerate:

  • Reading a book.
  • From web sites.
  • From a collegue.
  • Doing a training.

Regardless of the method chose, we can learn by heart the patterns and spent hours to memorize their UML diagrams, but sometimes when we need to use them in a real project, it becomes more problematic. Continue reading “The GOF patterns resolve some OOP drawbacks: The Abstract Factory case study”

People who influenced the programming world series : Uncle Bob.

Robert C. Martin, known as  Uncle Bob has been a software professional since 1970 and an international software consultant since 1990. In the last 40 years, he has worked in various capacities on literally hundreds of software projects. In 2001, he initiated the meeting of the group that created Agile Software Development from Extreme Programming techniques and served as the first chairman of the Agile Alliance.  He is also a leading member of the Worldwide Software Craftsmanship Movement – Clean Code.

Uncle Bob  Contributions:

I- OOP Metrics:

In 1994 Robert “Uncle Bob” Martin proposed a group of object-oriented metrics that are popular until now. Those metrics, unlike other object-oriented ones don’t represent the full set of attributes to assess individual object-oriented design, they only focus on the relationship between packages in the project. Continue reading “People who influenced the programming world series : Uncle Bob.”